Wednesday, June 29, 2016

6 Months Already

I finally made up my mind to go ahead with the cake smash. She only tasted the frosting the rest of the cake she just made a mess with it. Yes it was very messy but well worth it. We can't believe she is half way to one already that flew by.
My Favorite Happy Moment This Month: Getting my own food off of mommy's plate. Pushing anyone out the way to get to daddy. Mastering sitting up. Happy 6 months to me.

Monday, June 27, 2016

To Celebrate Or Not To Celebrate?

Our baby girl will be 6 months old in a few days, my husband and I normally celebrate her somehow. I was thinking of cake smash and see what happens I am not sure though. It will be a huge mess to clean it up afterwards.

Friday, June 24, 2016


I think I should run around screaming fire, fire or something to that effect just so I don't have to be awake alone. They went to bed way too early for my liking. Is it wrong to want to wake up my family because I am awake? #momthoughts #toomuchenergy #yallprayformeseriously #badmom hahaha

Co-sleeping is in the Past!!!

Ahhh our little lady slept in your room all night by herself she did not wake up once.  Too bad I stayed up all night thinking she would wake up for her nightly nursing session. Nope mommy was wrong and still of course got no sleep. I'm surely going to try and get somem sleep tonight. I was running of 1hour of sleep all night.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Family Meeting

Lol this little lady here is a trip she woke up at 2 am yesterday I nursed her and was waiting for her to fall back asleep to put her back in her crib. Nope she wanted to scream and laughing, watch TV and try and wake up hubby she kept jumping and climbing on him. She wanted him awake too. She finally fell back as sleep close to 4 am.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Co-sleeping Withdrawals

Staring at the baby monitor watching our little lady sleep in her crib wondering if she'll wake up soon lol this is tough weaning myself off this cosleeping. My sweet pea is doing great! Mommy on the other hand slowly getting better one day at a time. I must admit I miss her sleeping in the middle of hubby and I. We will see how tomorrow goes I know it will get better.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Good News Bed Time Success

So what do you know the baby actually slept in her room all night by herself.That is the third time since we have been in our new home that she slept alone in her room. I mean of course she woke up for her nightly meals but that is expected. I am sure you are all wondering if I actually got more space on the bed. Nope my husband as usual left me no space and I was at the edge of the bed again. That is the

Friday, June 17, 2016

Tonight is the night!!!

Tonight is the night the baby will be put in her room to sleep alone like a big girl. I am trying to wean myself off this co-sleeping....yes I said myself I do not think the baby has an issue sleeping alone by herself. I am going to miss her sleep right in the middle of my husband and I but I know it is best for all of us. Stay tuned and see how it goes down if we all wake up in happy moods!!!

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Bed Time (Every Night)

It has been like this since, I was pregnant my daughter and husband has taken over the bed completely. It is exactly the same now that she is here. I am tired of sleeping on the edge of the bed and waking up with neck or back pain I think this new mattress is too rough. I'm about to go sleep in the guest bedroom or baby girl's crib in her room lol. #myrantfortheday #imnotgoinganywhere #imstalkingthemastheysleep

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Working It Out

We woke up early said our prayers ate our breakfast. Took little lady for an hour an half walk. Then decided to workout when we got back home. Did I just pull a 2 hour workout and not even realize it?  Wow lol Feeling so energized. Having a blessed day!!! #Fitlifeisfun

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Sudden Unexpected Changes

I have a test of me only (testimony) So God kept showing me this scripture over and over again late Thursday night.  "Cast all your anxiety on him for he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7. so I got out of the bed grabbed my bible went to the living room and started praying. Friday morning I go into work and a few hours goes by. I get called into the human resources office and the head of the department along with the head of human resources were on the phone. They told me they were letting me go due to them having to streamline the company. All I could do was smile and say thank you. I am sure they were all wondering why I sounded and looked so happy, they all started asking if I was okay. I told them my God provides as He always does. He is just lining me up for something better. None of them knew what to say. His grace have given me strength.Today is my birthday too I couldn't be happier. #whogetslaidoffandishappy