Sunday, June 5, 2016

Sudden Unexpected Changes

I have a test of me only (testimony) So God kept showing me this scripture over and over again late Thursday night.  "Cast all your anxiety on him for he cares for you." 1 Peter 5:7. so I got out of the bed grabbed my bible went to the living room and started praying. Friday morning I go into work and a few hours goes by. I get called into the human resources office and the head of the department along with the head of human resources were on the phone. They told me they were letting me go due to them having to streamline the company. All I could do was smile and say thank you. I am sure they were all wondering why I sounded and looked so happy, they all started asking if I was okay. I told them my God provides as He always does. He is just lining me up for something better. None of them knew what to say. His grace have given me strength.Today is my birthday too I couldn't be happier. #whogetslaidoffandishappy

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